Breaking Banks Europe

Hosted ByMatteo Rizzi, Don Ginsel and Elizabeth Kleinveld

The European Edition of Breaking Banks is about everything on European Fintech at large with a special eye on innovation and a zest of inspiring stories along the way, hosted by some of the world’s most well-known hosts and influencers in fintech. Produced in cooperation with

Elizabeth Kleinveld profile picture
Elizabeth Kleinveld

All Episodes

Episode 12: Crypto banking: Regulated banking comes to the wild west of crypto

Crypto banking, (i.e. providing retail and corporate banking services in Cryptocurrency rather than fiat currencies) is a European phenomenon that started in Switzerland and is rapidly catching up in...

Episode 11: The new landscapes of InsurTech

Summary:The new landscapes of Insurtech.We are excited to welcome Scott Walchek, CEO and Founder of TROV, one of the leading companies in the insurance B2B space, and Pascal Bouvier,...

Episode 10: Digital Wealth Management: Lessons learned for Fintech realism in 2020

Join BB Europe conversation with BlackRock’s Henry MacLeod and BNY Mellon’s Adriana Pierelli, discussing pros and cons of digital wealth management from clients and institutional perspectives.

Episode 9: Talent and Academia

Success in the digital era requires building new skills and competences, innovative training and nurturing talent. Paolo Sironi and Nina Mohanty will discuss with our guests Tram Anh Nguyen,...

Episode 8: SME Challengers

SME businesses are “under-banked” in Europe. Why do incumbent banks find it so hard to bank with SMEs? What are the risks? The under-banked status of European SMEs creates...

Episode 7: European RegTech: Focusing on GDPR

Europe races ahead in the RegTech debate one year into GDPR. Is Self Sovereignty the next big thing to shape Fintech business models? Join the conversation hosted by Paolo...

Episode 6: European Blockchain in FinTech

In this episode Ajit and Matteo are joined by four of the best known power women in blockchain who explain why they think the Crypto winter is over, how...

Xmas Special Episode

Join us for our Christmas special episode, featuring hosts Matteo Rizzi, Brett King, Ajit Tripathi, Paolo Sironi, Spiros Margaris, along with special guest David Birch of 15MB, discussing 2020...

Episode 5: Tales from Giants and Pioneers

There are not many people who can claim a decade of experience in financial services, and saw the rise (and the falls) of what FinTech brought to the world.We...
