Breaking Banks Europe

Hosted ByMatteo Rizzi, Don Ginsel and Elizabeth Kleinveld

The European Edition of Breaking Banks is about everything on European Fintech at large with a special eye on innovation and a zest of inspiring stories along the way, hosted by some of the world’s most well-known hosts and influencers in fintech. Produced in cooperation with

Elizabeth Kleinveld profile picture
Elizabeth Kleinveld

All Episodes

Episode 84: Ecosystem Zoom In – The Swedish Case

Time for our first trip to the Nordics, this time with the great Nina Mohanty, that took the task to hosts us around the Swedish ecosystem, well accompanied by...

Episode 83: The future of payments and the disappearing “point of sale”

Transactions at the point of sale have been shifting for some time now withapps like Uber turning payments invisible and contactless. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed even more transactions...

Episode 82: Journeys From The FinTech World: Canada

One more passport stamp in the BBE world tour, that this week makes another stop in the Canadian nation, set with clear goals to understand exactly how has the...

Episode 81: Breaking Chains: Non-Fungible Tokens 101

We know #NFT is the acronym of the moment, and Ajit Tripathi took on the mission of gathering industry experts Roberto Capodieci, Amelia Tomasicchio and Donna Redel to explain...

Episode 80: News from The FinTech Front (May)

Your bimonthly instalmment of “News From The FinTech Front” is here for its May Edition, and this time Ajit Tripathi takes the lead, removes all filters and hosts this...

Episode 79: Innovation and Tech Zoom In: Digital Native Financial Products, a blink to real blockchain use cases

Did someone say..#BLOCKCHAINN? The buzzword is out, and we are making a case for real blockchain use cases & digitally native financial products, on our first installment of the...

Episode 78: Breaking Wealth – The Intersection between the Wealth of Families and the Needs of entrepreneurs

BBE brings you the first installment of “Breaking Wealth” with a focus on the particular “Intersection between the Wealth of Families and the Needs of entrepreneurs” led by Paolo...

Special Episode: The Building Blocks of a great partnership

Join us for our segment featuring the honorable Lord Mayor of London, William Russell, exploring the latest in fintech and highlighting the Kalifa report. 

Episode 77: Ecosystem Zoom In – The Lithuanian Case

3 million people, and around 250 fintechs. This is what it took to put Lithuania in 4th place in the GLOBAL FinTech Index in 2020. The population is truly...
