Breaking Banks Europe

Hosted ByMatteo Rizzi, Don Ginsel and Elizabeth Kleinveld

The European Edition of Breaking Banks is about everything on European Fintech at large with a special eye on innovation and a zest of inspiring stories along the way, hosted by some of the world’s most well-known hosts and influencers in fintech. Produced in cooperation with

Elizabeth Kleinveld profile picture
Elizabeth Kleinveld

All Episodes

Episode 36: Breaking Impact – On Balance, Self-confidence, Inclusive Finance and Gender Equality

In this episode of the Breaking Impact Series, Matteo Rizzi steps back from the mic and invites co-host Nina Mohanty and our guests to un-mute and speak out. We...

Episode 35: Innovation and Tech Zoom In – The new frontiers of AI & Privacy

Experts say that AI could transform the world in the same way that electricity has done. However, just like electricity, while AI promises a vast range of applications and...

Episode 34: Ecosystem Zoom In: The French Case (5)

The Ecosystem Zoom In landed in France and this time, we invited not other than the Chief Innovation Officer of Société Generale – Claire Calmejane, leader in one of...

Episode 33: Breaking Impact – PropTech

Breaking Impact brings you all about “PropTech”, a theme adjacent to fintech and developing steadily in the past years that is now is one of the sectors that has...

Episode 32: BBE Outside In: Latin America

BBE’s “Outside In” crossed the Atlantic once again, this time to understand and contrast the Latin American and European ecosystems, through the voices of Andres Fontao, Managing Partner of...

Episode 31: Where Does the Money Go? – Corporate Venture Capital – The Challenges of Strategic Investing

This “Where Does The Money Go?” episode has a specific very relevant focus for Corporate Venture Capital and we bring you two very complementary and very compelling views from...

Episode 30: Innovation and Tech Zoom In – When Theology meets Technology

“When Theology meets Technology” BBE hosts two inspiring conversations about the essence of technology, the condition of human beings and the need of ethics to guide their interaction towards...

Episode 29: Innovation and Tech Zoom In Series: FinTech & Cybersecurity

Published statistics show that cybercrime is more profitable than the global illegal drug trade. There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds, Hackers steal 75 customer records every second...

Episode 28: Ecosystem Zoom In (4) – Germany

We landed in the European giant, to have a conversation about the German ecosystem and market when it comes to fintech, financial services, and insuretech. The first guest is...
