Jason Henrichs

Episode 437: Cyber Perspectives from a former FBI Agent & Mindfulness Coach

In this week’s episode of Breaking Banks host Amber Buker speaks with James Turgal, VP Optiv. As a former Assistant Director of the FBI Information and Technology Branch he’s worked it all. Cybersecurity and ransomware are top of mind, learn how collective defense and one act of collaboration can have an exponential effect on combating…

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Episode 434: Rethink What You Deliver: SX Roundup & Wild Ride in WA

We start this week’s show with a PSA for those unable to make it to Austin and SXSW.  You need only listen to host Jason Henrich’s recap to feel the energy and understand the value of looking at fintech through a different lens, the chance to discover burgeoning tech startups, and rethink opportunities for financial…

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Episode 432: From Fine Wine & Fintech to Solo Cups & Solo GPs

Just as red wine is said to be good for the heart, this episode is good for the industry. With a glass of fine red wine, host Jason Henrichs raps with Lindsay Davis, Forbes Contributor and Head of Markets, Atomic about where the fintech industry is, among other things. Money and investment continue despite the…

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Episode 426: Meet CHUCK

Everyone is talking about CHUCK. But who or what is CHUCK? CHUCK is none other than the newest payment method collaboratively developed by a consortium of community banks, for community banks, mid-sized institutions and credit unions, yes, credit unions! Listen as Amber Buker speaks with DJ Seeterlin, CIO, Chesapeake Bank and Julie Thurlow, CEO, Reading…

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Episode 422: Vision: Impact

As 2021 comes to a close we share recent conversations with several innovators filling unique needs. Nathaniel Harley from MANTL and Jesse Wedler from Capital G, a growth stage fund backed by Alphabet, on modernizing bank infrastructure and digital account opening in 3 minutes or less, started for neobanks but pivoted to fill a void…

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Episode 416: Can Fintech Save the Planet?

Financial inclusion, micro-finance, climate change and sustainability – hot topics these days – are aptly covered in today’s episode when Jason Henrichs interviews Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO of Women’s World Banking, the NGO that wants to use financial innovations to get bank accounts for 1 billion unbanked women around the world; and JP…

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Episode 412: Now Entering: The Fourth Era of Banking

Exciting day on Breaking Banks – we have a new regular host – Amber Buker. Now if that name sounds familiar its because she works with JP and I at Alloy Labs as head of insights. Her work is phenomenal and we asked ourselves why we weren’t sharing her with the world. Well now we…

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Episode 410: Fintech Fight Club

I’m fortunate to travel the world talking about fintech, banking, regulation and innovation. MX is one of my favorite groups to speak for and not because it usually means a trip to a Utah ski resort, but because of the energy they put into creating an agenda and curating a set of speakers that goes well…

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Episode 407: The Small Business Ping Pong Ball

What is small and what is big? Why do we draw lines and silos in the banking world around small businesses. Small businesses generate 44% of US economic activity, yet are often misunderstood and ping ponged between the consumer and commercial parts of the bank. This week Derik Sutton Vice President of Product and Experience…

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Episode 406: The Power to Amplify

Today Brett and I talk to Nick Elders, fintech provocateur, president and co-founder of SPARK from Ignify Technologie. SPARK is a social mission-driven company whose cloud-based loan origination platform helped them originate $9 billion in aggregate loan activity through over 50,000 loans in the first 2.5 months of PPP. This is not another story of a…

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Episode 401: The Ergonomics of Empowerment

Today’s episode is a deep dive on financial empowerment at a global level. Earlier this year, Finastra commissioned a study to look at how financial institutions can help their customers transform their relationship with money. One of the unique aspects of the study is it took an ethnographic approach to understand how ordinary consumers feel…

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Episode 397: FDIC to Launch Space Force

Today’s guest: Sultan Meghji, the first ever Chief Innovation Officer for the FDIC. Sultan knows the challenges of innovation in banking first as co-founder of Neocova, a fintech providing secure, cloud-native, artificial intelligence-based software for community banks. In addition, he worked on an aid mission to help implement digital banking in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda,…

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