Brett King

They Developed Algebra First Too: Banking Innovations In Dubai

We all know mobile disruption is changing the nature and ideas behind retail banking, often not as fast as consumers would like and faster than banks or regulators can keep up. Today, Brett hosts David Horton, Chief Transformation Officer, Mashreq Bank and Suvo Sarkar, General Manager of Retail Banking & Wealth Management for Emirate NBD….

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Apps To Eat And Run

So imagine you are going out to eat with your friends or family. You are sitting at the table, the food is eaten and all you want to do is get the waiters’ attention to pay the check and go. As you wait, your friends have to leave to catch the baby sitter, or your…

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Payments Conference 2014!

So, it is nearly time for the yearly Payments Conference 2014! To give you a preview, Scott Lang, Senior VP, Association Services at NACHA will be joining Brett to discuss the different themes and topics that the conference hopes to address this year, including big data, gamification, regional banks solutions, corporate payment solutions, mobile payments,…

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Be A Borrower And A Lender!

One of the reason’s that banking is so essential is the ability to create loans and capital for growing industry and entrepreneurship. But traditional banking also has so many rules that it can stifle the growth. Technology has stepped in to make the difference, ease the friction, and open access to people and markets that…

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Bitcoin, Love ’em Or Leave ’em

Bitcoin can’t stop making the news. One week it is everyone’s darling. The next Mt Gox is crashing on your head. The values are pretty volatile, but if they could just behave, they solve so many problems with the current payments system. So you have to ask yourself if Bitcoin is just sowing some wild…

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How Technology Allows Small Business To Bank Like The Big Boys…

Running a small business can be a sisyphean undertaking and in the current economic conditions, you need to be able to get the investment and capital quickly in order to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves. Technology can help level the playing field, optimizing the formerly slow process of getting a loan and…

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Money Anxiety

With the serious ups and downs of the economy in recent years, consumers have reacted with understandable concern for the security of their economic circumstances. The recession caused many to rethink their priorities, tighten their belts and save. As consumers feel more safe about their financial futures, they begin to spend more. Predicting consumer behaviors…

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A Penny Saved, in A Bank, Is A Penny Earned?

An axiom of banking is that access to the financial system is universally beneficial. Once people have bank accounts, they begin to save and their long term financial health improves. But the current financial situation in the US has changed customer’s outlooks on what is beneficial and beyond their means, and the financial crisis and…

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Innovation Is A Small Banks Best Friend

In Malcolm Gladwell’s latest offering, David And Goliath, he takes a fresh look at the story and examines whether David’s relatively small stature and skills as a slinger might actually have been an advantage in his battle against Goliath. In a similar vein, today’s episode of Breaking Banks is going to examine what kind of…

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The Crystal Ball For 2014 Says…

What kind of futurist show would be be if we didn’t talk about what changes this year will bring to Fintech and banking in general?? To talk about the trends and innovations from this year Brett will be chatting with two notable speakers and authority on financial marketing and strategic solutions in the banking guests…

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Encore Presentation: Disruption Abounds – Why Books, Music And Newspapers Were Just The Start

Not since the printing press has a new media been as disruptive as the internet. Because it is about connection, conversation, and a pure democracy of ideas, it is changing every business model and all ideas about traditional services. The first wave of new media disruption was against old media, but that was only the…

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Where The Mobile Bank Account Was Born

Banking in Africa has become a prime example of necessity breeding ingenuity. When the global financial crisis hit in 2008, Africa’s regional banks turned their focus closer to home and embraced technology as a means to reach the hugely diverse unbanked populations of the region. With a virtually untapped market, relatively unburdened by out-of-date computing…

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