Episode 192: ConQuest – Scambait Networks

In this episode of ConQuest, host Roberto Capodieci engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Trilogy Media’s Ashton Bingham and Art Kulik about Scambait Networks. We get a glimpse of their inception as a duo, and discuss their fascinating work with institutions and the dynamics of their community in harnessing crowdfunding campaigns to support scam victims, showcasing the tremendous power of collective goodwill. However, beneath the surface, Scambait Networks have a darker side. Mob-like networks of scammers can exploit their employees, revealing complex power dynamics and ethical dilemmas.

This discussion underscores the dual nature of these networks, where the pursuit of good in combating scams and helping victims coexists with the potential for exploitation and unethical behavior.

Connect with our guests:

Trilogy Media (Ashton Bingham & Art Kulik)

Learn more: trilogymedia.com

Watch them on YouTube: 

Trilogy Media

Art Kulik: linkedin.com/in/art-kulik-90928b30/

Ashton Bingham: .linkedin.com/in/ashton-bingham-259990139/

About the Author
Roberto Capodieci, a seasoned contributor to the "Breaking Banks Europe" podcast series, brings his unique perspective and expertise to the episodes he hosts. While "Breaking Banks Europe" features a range of prominent voices in the fintech world, Roberto has carved out his niche, particularly with his cherished project, the "ConQuest" series. This series reflects his commitment to educating listeners about the nuances of scams in the fintech sector, emphasizing the importance of awareness and protection against financial fraud. With a career spanning over 15 years in blockchain technology, decentralization, and peer-to-peer networks, Roberto applies his deep understanding to the diverse topics he explores in the podcast. His approachable style and in-depth knowledge make complex subjects accessible and engaging for a broad audience. In each episode, Roberto strives to share insights and practical advice, drawing from his extensive experience and global perspective. His work in various cultures has enriched his understanding of the tech landscape, fueling his enthusiasm for discussing technological advancements and their impact on society and business. Website: https://capodieci.link/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/capodieci Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rc10/