Episode 184 – Fintech4Good: Unlocking the Blue Carbon Credits Marketplace

Close to 90% of the world’s carbon emissions comes from coastal and marine ecosystems, but yet there is so much ambiguity on how exactly to measure, manage and take advantage of its protection towards the creation of credits. We spoke plenty about it in previous episodes, but here comes the time to put the focus on “Blue Carbon Credits” in its own. Jahed Momand, the Co-Founder of Cerulean Ventures took the challenge of getting interviewed by Roberto Capodieci – resident host and expert of the show.

Connect with our guest:
Jahed Momand – Co-Founder and General Partner, Cerulean Ventures
Linkedln: linkedin.com/in/jahedmomand/
Twitter: @‌cerulean_xyz
Twitter: @‌againstutopia

Website: cerulean.vc

About the Author
Roberto Capodieci, a seasoned contributor to the "Breaking Banks Europe" podcast series, brings his unique perspective and expertise to the episodes he hosts. While "Breaking Banks Europe" features a range of prominent voices in the fintech world, Roberto has carved out his niche, particularly with his cherished project, the "ConQuest" series. This series reflects his commitment to educating listeners about the nuances of scams in the fintech sector, emphasizing the importance of awareness and protection against financial fraud. With a career spanning over 15 years in blockchain technology, decentralization, and peer-to-peer networks, Roberto applies his deep understanding to the diverse topics he explores in the podcast. His approachable style and in-depth knowledge make complex subjects accessible and engaging for a broad audience. In each episode, Roberto strives to share insights and practical advice, drawing from his extensive experience and global perspective. His work in various cultures has enriched his understanding of the tech landscape, fueling his enthusiasm for discussing technological advancements and their impact on society and business. Website: https://capodieci.link/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/capodieci Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rc10/