
Digital Wallets: Exploding Or Blowing Up?

Mobile use is exploding on the banking scene, as it is throughout our lives. This week Square announced that they are giving up on the Square Wallet while Apple announced that they had integrated NFC wireless technology into iPhone6 after a deal was made with China UnionPay to integrate their banking company’s services into Passbook….

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Signatures Are Risky!

Yes, you read that right. A signature card and a paper application form mean you are absorbing an unacceptable level of risk as a bank. The fact is that you can verify someone’s identity through much more reliable methods than using a signature card or signature verification today. Just looking up someone’s profile on LinkedIn…

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Brick And Mortar Go Digital And Touchscreen

Banks can never serve all the public efficiently and well through a structure that requires a physical bank presence. But banks also have the challenge to recreate a brick and mortar structure that is seamless with mobile/online experience. Today Brett is hosting J. Michael Beird, Co-Found and Managing Director of Financial Services for BankersHub.com and…

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Big And Small Preparing For Shifting Generational Expectations

Today on Breaking Banks we will be discussing the upcoming shifts in banking culture driven by the Gen-Y digital natives and how that translates to the best customer service options for banks and credit unions. How does going digital affect their customer base, what kind of product development will be required to stay relevant, and…

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Innovations With Islamic Finance: Tech Meets Real Economy

The financial crisis of 2008 increased the mistrust of global financial institutions, and the disruption and increase in mobile technologies lends to the narrative that financial systems are lagging in modernity. To regain the trust of Gen-Y, who all too often are opting out of the banking system, many are studying Islamic financial institutions, which…

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Fintech -Earning Consumer’s Attentions

Today’s empowered consumers represent an interesting paradox. On one hand, there has never been more ways to reach them. On the other hand, it’s never been harder to truly engage these highly mobile, socially connected, financially astute consumers. According to just released research, the consumption of content on mobile devices is now exceeding online channels,…

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Thoroughly Modern Good Old Fashioned Financial Technologies

In today’s world we adore modern convenience but miss good old fashioned simplicity, like when I use my mobile to look up homemade pickle recipes. We want all the personal touches, but with all the digital speed and information at our fingertips. On today’s #BreakingBanks, Brett will be talking with two players in the digital…

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Neobanks Get Serious.

Now that the mobile banking model has proven itself, there is a lot of movement in traditional banks to acquire or build mobile model innovations. Today, Brett is talking to Josh Reich, the CEO of Simple to talk about joining with BBVA and the future of their business. And he will be chatting with Patrick…

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Tech Tools To Assist In Making Life’s Big Purchases!

The traditional signs of prosperity are a college education and buying a home. Nothing says solid citizen with good finances like making those two investments. But mortgages are scarier now, and it isn’t always clear how much you actually are told you can afford and what you should invest given your circumstances. It is particularly…

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They Developed Algebra First Too: Banking Innovations In Dubai

We all know mobile disruption is changing the nature and ideas behind retail banking, often not as fast as consumers would like and faster than banks or regulators can keep up. Today, Brett hosts David Horton, Chief Transformation Officer, Mashreq Bank and Suvo Sarkar, General Manager of Retail Banking & Wealth Management for Emirate NBD….

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Apps To Eat And Run

So imagine you are going out to eat with your friends or family. You are sitting at the table, the food is eaten and all you want to do is get the waiters’ attention to pay the check and go. As you wait, your friends have to leave to catch the baby sitter, or your…

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Payments Conference 2014!

So, it is nearly time for the yearly Payments Conference 2014! To give you a preview, Scott Lang, Senior VP, Association Services at NACHA will be joining Brett to discuss the different themes and topics that the conference hopes to address this year, including big data, gamification, regional banks solutions, corporate payment solutions, mobile payments,…

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