Fintech Descends on Silicon Alley

Over the past week, more than a thousand global banking executives, financial technology entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, press, and industry analysts converged on New York for a series of events focused on banking innovation. The events included the Bank Innovators Lab Day, NYPAY and Consult Hyperion 3rd Annual Tomorrow’s Transactions Unconference, the two-day FinovateFall innovation showcase and a series of receptions focused on what’s new in banking. Join our Guest Host JIM MAROUS, partner at The Financial Brand and publisher of the Digital Banking Report, as he moderates a rapid fire recap of the week’s highlights and discusses some of the most exciting innovations introduced with JP Nicols from the Bank Innovators Council, Chris Skinner (author of the book Digital Bank), Ryan Caldwell (President of Money Desktop) and Robb Gaynor, (chief product officer of Malauzai Software.
