Banking on Fintech

As the tech disruption takes hold of the financial industries, banks are exploring fintech by supporting accelerators, partnering together, and creating new ways to replace legacy systems.

Today, Brett has Dave Birch of Consult Hyperion join the show. They talk with Quartz correspondent Ian Kar about Fintech news and Michael Casey of the MIT Media Lab, about the quick advancements of blockchain.

Then, Ben Robinson of Temenos joins to talk about their innovative methods to empower bank digitalization and Michal Panavich of Nordea talks about their choice to use Temenos to replace their core banking systems. And Mohammed Jama Dalal of CBA and M-Shwari come on to talk about their partnership with Temenos, and the incredibly explosive growth of M-Shwari, and how it can be the ideal model for mobile banking in the world.

The episode is chock full! Do not miss!
