
Author, Co-Founder of FTS Group, BBE Executive Producer
About the Author
Matteo Rizzi is an unconventional entrepreneur with two decades of experience in Financial Services, constantly referred amongst the top executives in the industry. He spent 13 years at SWIFT - where he co-founded Innotribe, the innovation arm of the cooperative, launching the first global startup challenge. Since 2013, he has had a FinTech Investor and/or Venture Partner role with global VCs and CVCs (20+ deals, 5 exits). In 2015, he co-founded FinTechStage (now - a platform for Investors and Innovators to boost FinTech innovation globally. In 2019, Matteo founded a global initiative to foster financial inclusion and entrepreneurship. The same year he launched Breaking Banks Europe (as the Executive Producer). In 2023, he was appointed Senior Advisor for Elevandi (MAS). He is the author of "The FinTech Revolution" and "Talents & Rebels" and is fluent in 5 languages. X: Website: Instagram: Linkedln: Provoke:

Episode 24: BBE Outside In – US

Introducing Breaking Banks Europe’s new series: BBE OUTSIDE IN, a space for the voices of European distinguished entrepreneurs, executives, and investors to enlighten on their perspective of the European scene from the outside. Each episode will focus on a specific country or region, and today we bring you to the US – with guests from…

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Episode 21: News from the FinTech Front

On this Special Episode of Breaking Banks Europe we bring you the first installment of the segment “News from The FinTech Front”, a collaborative effort to debate, resume and update the audience on different country perspectives regarding the current state of things during this crisis for the financial services sector and fintech in specific; given…

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Episode 19: Ecosystem Zoom In: Luxembourg

In this new series episode of Ecosystem Zoom In, we land in the innovative central European country of Luxembourg. And who better than Nasir Zubairi to introduces to this ecosystem – being a pioneer himself, and the CEO of The LhOFT – The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology. He opens the doors to understanding how…

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Episode 17: Ecosystem Zoom In Series: The Portuguese Case

Episode 17 is the second in our Ecosystem Zoom In Series – this time showcasing the Portuguese case, it’s rise and intensity within the European scheme. João Freire de Andrade is one of its biggest motors of this evolution and joins us to talk all about fintech in Portugal and its change of mentality that…

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Episode 15: Ecosystem Zoom in Series: The Italian Case

In this episode, BBE doubles-down on the Italian ecosystem one that has lagged behind the European “big shots” for a while but has been picking up quite some speed and is developing its very own breed of Fintech. Demetrio Migliorati from Mediolanum Bank explained to us how their blockchain project with R3’s Corda is an…

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Episode 11: The new landscapes of InsurTech

Summary:The new landscapes of Insurtech.We are excited to welcome Scott Walchek, CEO and Founder of TROV, one of the leading companies in the insurance B2B space, and Pascal Bouvier, seasoned investor now Partner in Middlegame Ventures in this episode.The rapidly evolving dynamics of technology applied to insurance space, how TROV pivoted from B2C to B2B…

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Xmas Special Episode

Join us for our Christmas special episode, featuring hosts Matteo Rizzi, Brett King, Ajit Tripathi, Paolo Sironi, Spiros Margaris, along with special guest David Birch of 15MB, discussing 2020 plans for Breaking Banks Europe and the future of Fintech.

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