Provoke.fm is the leading media network dedicated to creating the most engaging content about the rapidly evolving intersection of finance and technology. Our fresh perspectives and keen insights into the implications of what these changes mean for companies, consumers, and even money itself in the future. We are living in a time of the most dramatic technological advancements in history, and we are telling the stories behind that change. Let us help you tell your story.
We have produced over 500 episodes since our flagship show Breaking Banks debuted in 2013. It now averages over 100,000 downloads per month and has over 8.5 million downloads from over 180 countries. The show was created by world-renowned futurist and speaker, and international bestselling author Brett King. Provoke.fm has leveraged the success of Breaking Banks to become a full media platform with multiple shows, with more on the way.
Our audience is highly engaged— our listeners average more than 1.5 hours of our content each week. We attract the forward-leaning people leading progress in the innovation economy— the leaders who are changing the face of business in in banking, finance, insurance, and technology industries — and 65% are in managerial/executive decision making roles.

Out of nearly 4.5 million US-based podcasts, the average podcast gets only 27 listens per episode. The top 1% of podcasts average 3974 listens within the first seven days. Breaking Banks is in the top 0.5% of podcasts globally, averaging 50-100k listens per month, with peaks of more than 200k per month.
Each episode gets its own website page and we promote each episode multiple times on social media, leading to engagements (likes, clicks, shares, replies, etc.) and pageviews in addition to core listens. Our social media accounts generated an average of more than 500k impressions monthly in 2021, and our most popular episodes have topped 2.5 million impressions.

We offer flexible options for highly targeted and cost-effective ways to meet your marketing goals in the rapidly growing fintech and segment and the lucrative broader financial services sector. Our sponsors include some of the top names in technology, financial services and fintech.

Typical sponsor goals include:
Find out how we can help you reach your goals through targeted marketing, host-read ads, special episodes, branded series, sponsored segments or episodes, brand name sponsorship, or even your own podcast. Contact us below or email us at