Breaking Banks

Hosted ByBrett King, Jason Henrichs, & JP Nicols

The #1 global fintech radio show and podcast. Every week we explore the personalities, startups, innovators, and industry players driving disruption in financial services; from Incumbents to unicorns, and from the latest cutting edge technology to the people who are using it to help to create a more innovative, inclusive and healthy financial future.

All Episodes

Irish Fintech: The new EU Gateway

For a relatively small island, Ireland has developed a massive tech scene. The Celtic Tiger of the 90s took a serious hit with the recession, but during that time...

Fintech Revolution: Change our thinking!

Today we have a huge treat from the EFMA Distribution Summit in London this week. We are able to broadcast 2 presentations from premiere thought leaders and voices within...


We want to thank Irish Tech News and Simon Cocking for the opportunity to work together!

The Innovate Finance Global Summit

Innovate Finance Global Summit has become a must attend event in the world of FinTech. This year was no exception, and Breaking Banks teamed with the Innovate Finance Team...

Fintech Hub: #BankingReimagined

Starling bank in the UK is building from scratch. But unlike other neo-banks, Starling sees it’s future as a hub of financial products, but not necessarily the generator of...

Banks and Fintechs: Tips for Partnership

Today, we are in the offices of American Banker in NYC and we are discussing different strategies that banks and fintechs can use to create viable and strong partnerships....

The Financial Diaries and Fintech

Do you have $400 in case of emergency? When @USFed announced a study revealing that most American’s don’t have $400 in case of emergency, it changed the way that...

Fintech and Banks: How to get beyond Innovation Theater?

It is easy for banks and fintechs who know that they need to innovate to get caught up in what looks innovative, or what sounds innovative, but ends up...

Innovations in Lending at LendIt2017

This week, Brett and Breaking Banks were onstage with Antony Jenkins, CEO of 10x Future Technologies at the LendIt conference in NY! While we were at the conference, we...
