RegTech: FinTech making regulation easier

RegTech has become the new hot term in the FinTech industry as it aims to tackle the burdens of regulation and ease compliance for pennies on the dollar. But with different regulatory environments and processes, can regtech developers create reg tech that is trusted by both the industry and the regulators? And should FinTech’s really be subject to the same regulations as the banks, or are they operating so differently that the same regulations will only cheat consumers of choice?

Today, Mr. Snark Ron Shevlin is changing hats and sitting in the hosts chair. FinTech Law Expert Kevin Taylor and Regulation Technology expert from CITI, Ruthwandhofer will be joining him for a discussion on how the best RegTech will work.

Also, FinTech leader Spiros Magaris about how banks should deal with legacy technology- replace or rework? And Wade Arnold will be joining us to talk about Banno and the platforms that refocus banks to be customer centric.
