Goal 1- Eradicate Poverty : FinTech for Financial Inclusion

The UN Global Goals outline 17 goals to End Poverty, Fight Inequality and Injustice, and Fix Climate Change. As you wonder about each of them, you realize that all of the goals are interdependent. Today, on Breaking Banks we are focusing on organizations that are exploring FinTech as a means to financial inclusion.

Brett talks with Jen Tescher, CSFI (http://www.cfsinnovation.com/) and Scott McCormack of Social Money (http://socialmoney.com/) about their efforts here and abroad to increase opportunities to save and build security. We also talk to Kosta Peric and David Lubinski of the Gates Foundation about their efforts as part of the Foundations FSP team (http://www.gatesfoundation.org/What-We-Do/Global-Development/Financial-Services-for-the-Poor) and their work in Pakistan and Nigeria. And we have on Sam Maule of the Digital Finance Institute and Alan Grundy of Rescue.org to discuss how we can use FinTech to aid in the Syrian refugee crisis.
