FinTech Aid To Refugees

One of the missions inside the FinTech revolution is financial inclusion. Of the 2.5 billion people who have no access to a traditional bank, 1 billion have cell phones. That number is only growing, and the potential to increase financial opportunities to this hugely underserved population has become part of the creed of the FinTech community. Today, on Breaking Banks, we will explore how FinTech is utilized in the Syrian Refugee Crisis and how innovation can aid those in distress.

Brett will be joined by Scott McCormack, President, Social Money to talk about their grant from the Gates Foundation for their mission in India. Then we will be talking to Sam Maule, Consultant with Carlisle and Gallagher, about his work with the Digital Finance Institute (DFI) and the International Rescue Committee, (IRC) He will be joined by Christine Duhaime, Executive Director of DFI and Barri Shorey, Enterprise Development Advisor of the IRC.
