
Sibos 2016: Fintech on the Main Stage

JP Nicols hosts this very special episode where we take you into the Sibos Geneva Conference center to talk to a few of the people here that are pushing for innovation. Guests that are joining JP are Eric Van der Kleij with Kickstart Accelerator, Lawrence Wintermeyer with Innovate Finance, Gene Neyer with D+H, Duena Blomstrom,…

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Today Brett is talking about “Cardmageddon”, as our co-host for today’s episode- Dave Birch- refers to the moment when other types of payments outpace card payments. We are talking about where it will, when it will, and how it will happen. Joining Brett and Dave today is Jordan Lampe, Communications Director of Dwolla with an…

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StarTrek Economics and Banking

Today, we are really looking at the way money will work in the future- star date 2200 in the future. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, we have invited Manu Saadia, author of Trekonomics (http://amzn.to/1UjeOoY) to talk about what we will truly value in the future. Also, Bruce Cahan, Stanford professor and co-founder…

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Next Money NYC 2016

It is Fintech Week in NYC and there have been a flurry of events to kick it off, beginning with Next Money, and going through Finovate. Brett and JP Nicols co-host this week, when we bring you the Next Money Fintech Future Trends panel, led by Penny Crossman of American Banker, and including Janine Hirt…

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Breaking Down Blockchain- Identity & Security

This is the last of our 5 part series Breaking Down Blockchain and we are wrapping it up with a discussion on digital Identity and Security. Brett King is again joined by Chris Skinner (http://thefinanser.com/) and this week they talk to Dave Birch at Consult Hyperion; Usha Krishnan from ChainGenie.com; David Sonstebo, Founder of IOTA;…

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Breaking Down Blockchain: Cool applications and pushback

Brett King is again joined by Chris Skinner to host our fourth installment of our special Breaking Down Blockchain series. They are joined by Bart Stephens, Managing Partner of Blockchain Capital, George Samman, writer of sammantics.com and blockchain consultant, and Wayne Vaughan, CEO of Tierion to discuss cool applications and the pushback on the blockchain….

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Smarter Bank: Ron Shevlin

Today, Brett King talks with the very funny Ron Shevlin, of Snarketing 2.0 about his book Smarter Bank and what banks and credit unions need to do to deal with the emerging technological disruptions and regaining consumer trust. We will also be talking with Philippe Gelis, CEO of Kantox about his article “Why FinTech Banks…

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FinTech Top Guns

Because our host Brett King is going on a well earned family vacation this week, we decided to revisit a few key interviews so far this year. #breakingbrett First up- Boris Johnson interview about how London is attracting so many to the FinTech world! @mayoroflondon Next, Chuck Davidson walks us through the thought process behind…

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ApplePay: Woes and Wins

No one seriously disagrees that the recent Apple Pay credit card fraud stems from the security of the sixteen digit credit card number. But there are serious disagreements about whose problem that is. Is it all on the banks or is Apple in the game too? Brett is hosting Brian Roemmele, Dave Birch and Steve…

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Fintech- Dublin’s Pot o’ Gold?

Although London and New York are currently leading the race for FinTech dominance, there are several other cities vying for their place. Not the least among these is Dublin, where the Celtic Tiger of the late 90’s hosted a booming tech center. Dublin is emerging from the global recession, humbled, but hungry to take it’s…

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The Future of the Internet is Us

Today on Breaking Banks, Brett hosts one of his favorite authors, Ramez Naam, to talk about what the financial world can learn and anticipate from science fiction and what is already happening in technological possibility and human behavior that requires radical rethinking about the nature of banking. Also, Joe Pine, renowned author of The Experience…

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FinTech Aid To Refugees

One of the missions inside the FinTech revolution is financial inclusion. Of the 2.5 billion people who have no access to a traditional bank, 1 billion have cell phones. That number is only growing, and the potential to increase financial opportunities to this hugely underserved population has become part of the creed of the FinTech…

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