Breaking Banks

Fintech: Customer Trust and Security

Today, Brett is joined by Penny Crosman of American Banker to discuss ICOs. Then, he talks with Carl Ryden, CEO of Precision Lender, to talk about his new book “Earn It: Building Your Bank’s Brad One Relationship at a Time”, and the principles that lenders need to adhere to to build trust and community. Also,…

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Money20/20 Europe – Fintech Superheroes

This episode of Breaking Banks was sponsored by NTT DATA… They get stuff done. We were guests at the Money 2020 conference, and had the chance to do lots of amazing interviews. The theme of the conference was Fintech Superheroes, and this show highlights just 4 of many Fintech fighters that are working to make…

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Removing Mystery of Money Movement

Why does it cost so much to move money? If every record is computerized, if all the movement is recorded electronically- then why the fees to get money out of a different banks atm? Why the fees to spend your money in another country? Is it that expensive to move money? And does it need…

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Crazy Cryptocurrency and Watson fixes Regtech

No one can decide if ICOs have caused cryptocurrrencies to really “arrive” or if this is just a cryptocurrency bubble. Today, we have people to help us make sense of it all. Dave Birch, Author of Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin is going to tell us why Bitcoin is not the savior we think it is,…

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AI and the Future of Money: Stephen Wolfram

Today, we are honored to be joined by Stephen Wolfram, a legend in Silicon Valley, and a genius in the computing space. We are talking to him about AI, and all the amazing things that are happening in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and how that will affect the future of money, finance, and the…

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Charlotte, NC: The Next Fintech Hub?

Enjoying the Bitcoin and Ethereum roller coasters? Today JP Nicols has Brian Patrick Eha on, with his new book “How Money Got Free: Bitcoin and the Fight for the Future of Finance” which tells the story through the eyes of the bitcoin pioneers and how they envisioned the future of cryptocurrencies , and the fight…

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AI & Fintech: Solutions and Challenges

There is no question that AI presents exciting new solutions and happy additions to our lives. But in order for us to truly take advantage and prepare for a future when cars are not privately owned and are self-driving, energy is green, abundant, and cheap, and robots replace workers at a dramatic rate, changing the…

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Fintech Creating Financial Services

How do we get money to small businesses that make the economy work for most people around the world? What kind of systems do we need to create? And how do we make them flexible so multiple cultures can utilize them? Today, Sam Maule hosts Chris Rentner from Akouba Credit and Viola Lewellyn from Ovamba…

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Irish Fintech: The new EU Gateway

For a relatively small island, Ireland has developed a massive tech scene. The Celtic Tiger of the 90s took a serious hit with the recession, but during that time they established themselves a useful hub for many tech companies to put down deep roots. As the global economy continues to recover and grow, Irelands small…

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Fintech Revolution: Change our thinking!

Today we have a huge treat from the EFMA Distribution Summit in London this week. We are able to broadcast 2 presentations from premiere thought leaders and voices within Fintech- Jim Marous and Chris Skinner. This includes and extra 20 minutes of Jim’s and Chris’ panel following their presentations. These are insights you can’t miss….

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We want to thank Irish Tech News and Simon Cocking for the opportunity to work together!

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The Innovate Finance Global Summit

Innovate Finance Global Summit has become a must attend event in the world of FinTech. This year was no exception, and Breaking Banks teamed with the Innovate Finance Team to create an episode that brings you some of the important thinking that was presented at the conference. Brett took time away from his presentation and…

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