Brett King

#BreakingBanks from Bali

Today, our host Brett King has turned over the hosting duties to Andy Mclean (@insanemclean) for a hosting turn in Bali. Andy hosts Rob Findlay from NextBank, Gary Dykstra who is setting up a bitcoin economy, and Peter Wall, CEO of Hubud. They are talking about why conditions in Bali are ideal spot for innovative…

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Attracting Millenials to CU’s

Millennials or Gen Y are now 30% of the workforce and are becoming the consumers that are pushing the economic trends. So, knowing about them is vital to the growth and sustainability of any business. Today, Brett hosts Sarah Timmons, Rebecca Carpenter, and Lili Tangwall from the WOCCU, to talk about their report on 12…

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Fintech Startup Followup: Jeff Stewart/ Lenddo

When Innotribe at Sibos concluded in Boston last year, the start-up competition had been finalized, but in many ways it was just beginning. Just being a finalist was a win, Today, Brett King is hosting Jeff Stewart from Lenddo who has an important announcement. Then we are going to revisit the progress of some of…

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IOT and Fintech

With the end of the CES conference, it is clear that the Internet of Things is all around us. By the end of 2015, Gartner predicts that 5 billion devices will be connected. By 2020, it will be 25 billion. But what does all this tremendous data and service mean for financial technologies? Today, Brett…

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Context Rules: Robert Scoble

As this is the last episode of Breaking Banks before the end of the year, we wanted to make sure it had plenty of food for thought. And we just want to say- Be prepared to FEAST! We are fully loaded with a great show. On this episode, our host Brett King talks with geek-famous…

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Favorite Fintech Things

it is the end of an explosive year in Fintech and we at Breaking Banks wanted to compile some of our favorite interviews to review all the amazing things happening in our industry around the globe. This is the producer’s cut (ie, our host Brett helped, but let me make the final decisions. Don’t worry,…

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Breaking Down Blockchain: Smart Assets

Brett King and Chris Skinner continue our series: Breaking Down Blockchain. This week, we are looking at other sectors related uses of blockchain, like healthtech, biotech, trade, and energy. Joining them are Bailey Reutzel, author of Moneytripping; Michael Casey, Senior Advisor, MIT Media Lab, Digital Currency Initiative; Leanne Kemp, Founder and CEO of Everledger; Abraham…

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Hack to Better Security

Nothing seems worse to us than being hacked, but hacking is the new creative problem solving! Hackers keep our online spaces healthy and happy. Today, Brett hosts Keren Elizari, cyber security expert, to discuss the virtues of the hacker. If you aren’t familiar with Keren, catch her amazing TED talk here: Also, we are…

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Retail Delivery

As preference for digital interface grows, and consumers are hunting for a more frictionless experience to obtain credit, loans, and investment advice, banks are looking for ways to sell products that customers want and deliver them in the digital package. Today, guest host Jim Marous of the Financial Brand will be coming live from the…

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Fintech Help for Small Biz

All business starts as a small business. The entrepreneurial spirit can be doused with the realities of funding new ideas and innovation and getting the required capital and support that business requires to flourish. Today on the show, Brett talks to Sam Hodges, Co-founder of Funding Circle, David Kurrasch, VP and General Manager of Small…

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Identities Merging

As we continue to create new virtual space to inhabit, we become more and more aware that systems in both the real world and online are fraught with unnecessary friction. One major hurdle has been to keep legal identity legitimized in online commerce. How do we balance the importance of customer security with the promised…

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Cash’s Last Breath

The end of cash isn’t just a digital brainchild. We are now getting enough information about digital/mobile payments vs. cash to know that cash is slowly dying out as a payment means. Today, Brett talks to Scott Winslow, Managing Director Americas for RFi about their global payments paper released this summer and why cash is…

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