Brett King

Fintech and Banks: How to get beyond Innovation Theater?

It is easy for banks and fintechs who know that they need to innovate to get caught up in what looks innovative, or what sounds innovative, but ends up being more for show than for dough. To avoid the pitfalls, and help everyone invest in true innovation that can enhance customer experience and truly add…

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Innovations in Lending at LendIt2017

This week, Brett and Breaking Banks were onstage with Antony Jenkins, CEO of 10x Future Technologies at the LendIt conference in NY! While we were at the conference, we decided to talk to some others that were making new waves in the lending space. We talked to Brock Blake, CEO of Lendio about their new…

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Bitcoin: ETF and ICO

Bitcoin is soaring. After 18 months of steady growth, it’s value is $1275, and only looks to be growing. As today’s guest, Brock Pierce, puts it- it is GOLD 2.0. But in 9 days, the SEC will decide whether to approve the Winklevoss twins filing of a Bitcoin ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). Whether it is…

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Fintech helping solve the refugee crisis

Today, Brett King, Marc Hochstein of American Banker, and Peter Renton, Founder of LendIt Academy, talk about the upcoming Digital Identity Crisis Webinar, The LendIt Conference at the Javits Center in NYC, and the proposed Fintech Charter and what that can mean for changes in banking in the US. Sam Maule takes the helm in…

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Fintech and MPESA: What Mobile Money Means

MPESA, the Swahili word for money, is Kenya’s mobile money system developed by Safaricom. It has literally transformed the ability for people to work, save, pay for everything from groceries, bills, rents, and everything else. Kenya reports that use of MPESA has helped to lift 186,000 families out of poverty. That is nearly 2% of…

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Fintech Finals 2017

While Brett was keynoting the NextMoney Fintech Finals 2017 in Hong Kong, he took the opportunity to interview a lot of the leaders, movers, and shakers that are turning up the volume on the global Fintech scene. Hong Kong and Singapore have long been economic crossroads. China and India are economies with vast populations and…

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Digital Money Forum at CES

Brett was the keynote speaker at Digital Money Forum, and Breaking Banks was invited to be the official podcast of the meeting! We are bringing you insights from several of the amazing panelists asking questions about AI helping to save and spend wisely. And if friction should be added back in the system, can we…

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Alexa was Sexy at CES

One of the presences most strongly felt at CES was Alexa, Amazon’s voice activated assistant. According to a study done by NTT Data, *she* is currently the most quickly adopted Artificial Intelligence. This week we are exploring AI adoption in the home, and why AI is so powerful in the payments space with Brian Roemmele,…

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Fintech: From Helsinki to Finland

As usual, Brett has been traveling around the globe. In his latest adventures, he was at the SLUSH conference in Helsinki Finland and at the Fintech Japan in Tokyo, where he gathered interviews about advancements in AI and what we should be thinking about to prepare for the increased presence of augmented and artificial intelligence…

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Fintech Innovation brings Hope

Today, Sam Maule hosts a show about all the hopeful changes and possibilities in fintech today. First, we talk to Charley Cooper and Richard Gendal Brown about all the incredible news of their open source blockchain- Corda and the changes in their banking consortium. Then we switch gears and sit down with Ravi Srinivasan (…

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Fintech – Election Aftermath

Today, Ron Shevlin hosts with guests Rob Blackwell, Washington Bureau Chief of American Banker, Joe Adler, Deputy Washington Bureau Chief of American Banker and Jim Marous, of The Financial Brand, to talk about what to expect with the new President-elect’s administration. Then, we turn to an interview with Megan Caywood, Chief Platform Officer of Starling…

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#InvestedinTech with Capital One!

#InvestedinTech is a special series from Money 20/20 with the innovative team behind Capital One. JP hosts Scott Zimmer, Global Head of Design; Tom Poole, Managing VP of Digital and Payments Expert; and Naveed Anwar, Managing VP of Global Platforms, Strategic Partnerships & Developer Community. This team has kept Capital One on the leading edge…

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