Episode 246: Milan Fintech Summit Special: Let’s Talk Embedded Finance!

This episode of Breaking Banks Europe explores the rise of embedded finance, its impact on businesses, and why today is the best time to be a fintech entrepreneur. Experts Nicolas Benady and Paolo Zaccardi discuss how companies of all sizes are integrating financial services through APIs, simplifying operations in a conversation with host Matteo Rizzi. Later on the “Fintech Groove” installment – Denis Gven from Wamo highlights how fintechs like his are revolutionizing banking for SMEs, offering faster onboarding, personalized services, and innovative credit solutions. The conversation also touches on the importance of maintaining a human touch in fintech, combining technology with personal interaction to support business growth effectively.

Nicolas Benady: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolasbenady

Nicolas Benady is the co-founder of swan.io , a fintech platform that provides APIs for embedded banking. Under his leadership, swan.io empowers businesses to integrate banking services seamlessly, offering solutions like accounts and payments. Benady’s vision drives innovation, making advanced financial services more accessible and efficient.

Paolo Zaccardi: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paolozaccardi

Paolo Zaccardi is the CEO and co-founder of Fabrick, a fintech platform that bridges banks and fintechs through APIs. Fabrick’s ecosystem streamlines financial operations, fostering innovation and connectivity in the industry. Zaccardi’s leadership enhances collaboration, driving forward the future of financial technology and services.

Author, Co-Founder of FTS Group, BBE Executive Producer
About the Author
Matteo Rizzi is an unconventional entrepreneur with two decades of experience in Financial Services, constantly referred amongst the top executives in the industry. He spent 13 years at SWIFT - where he co-founded Innotribe, the innovation arm of the cooperative, launching the first global startup challenge. Since 2013, he has had a FinTech Investor and/or Venture Partner role with global VCs and CVCs (20+ deals, 5 exits). In 2015, he co-founded FinTechStage (now FTSGroup.eu) - a platform for Investors and Innovators to boost FinTech innovation globally. In 2019, Matteo founded Timepledge.org a global initiative to foster financial inclusion and entrepreneurship. The same year he launched Breaking Banks Europe (as the Executive Producer). In 2023, he was appointed Senior Advisor EMEA for Elevandi (MAS). He is the author of "The FinTech Revolution" and "Talents & Rebels" and is fluent in 5 languages. X:https://twitter.com/matteorizzi Website: https://matteorizzi.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matteorizziofficial Linkedln:https://www.linkedin.com/in/matteorizzi/ Provoke: https://provoke.fm/author/matteo/